MTHFR & Methylation Practitioner Training Online

Confused about MTHFR & Methylation? Then these trainings are for you!
HN MTHFR Practitioner Training

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MTHFR is one hot topic and many clients are getting their MTHFR results, but do not know what to do with them.  Methylation cycle abnormalities can predispose you to disease. The MTHFR SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) is at a key position in the methylation cycle and if not working properly, can effect the whole pathway, creating symptoms and disease. The good news is that nutritional protocols and lifestyle modifications can help tremendously.

Coleen Walsh, Dubbed the “methyl queen” Created a Practitioner Training on MTHFR and Methylation – Just for You – The Healthcare Practitioner!

This 5-hour presentation takes the time to break down the biochemistry of these pathways, epigenetics and holistic protocols to give you a solid understanding of the subject.  This presentation was created for Nutritionists and Healthcare Practitioners, so they may get a better understanding of Methylation Pathways and how to better help their clients with these SNPs.

Purchase the digital recordings and you will receive  3 BONUS videos!

Content Includes:

  • Review of Biochemistry Basics
  • Basic Biochemistry of the Methylation Cycle & PathwaysMethylation Gears HN
  • Epigenetic Expression, Nutrigenomics, Gene Regulation
  • Why MTHFR and Methylation Cycle are Important to our Health (Risks, Diseases and Conditions)
  • Genetic Testing and Data Analysis
  • Available Laboratory Testing
  • Conventional Treatment
  • Holistic Protocols: Specific Information on What We Can Do to Help our Clients (Food, Lifestyle, Supplementation)
  • Basic Supplementation Needs
  • Brief Overview of Other Important Methylation Cycle SNPs
  • MTHFR Case Study through Lecture : Story of Coleen’s Healing & Client Cases
  • Q&A

The New  Information Added in 2015, Includes:Methyl Folate HN

  • Updated Information and Research
  • More Information on Other Methylation SNPs
  • How to Begin Detox Protocols with Sensitive Clients
  • More Information on Genetic Testing, Analysis and Labs
  • New Motion Graphics
  • Certification of Completion – Yes, you will head home from this training with a certificate.
  • 5 NANP CEUs (upon completion of exam)

Buy the Digital Recordings + You Get 3 Bonus Videos with Your Purchase!

BONUS 1:   Interview with Trudy Scott @foodmoodexpert, from The Anxiety Summit: Are Your Genes Depressing You?: MTHFR and Your Mood

BONUS 2:  Interview with Zlata from the Sexyfit Summit: Eat Right to Feel Sexy in Your Genes.  DNA is NOT Our Destiny!

BONUS 3:  In-Depth Video: Understanding The Health Implications of MTHFR Enzyme In The Methylation Cycle

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A Bit About Coleen: Coleen Walsh headshot square copy

Coleen Walsh is a holistic and functional nutritionist that specializes in MTHFR and Methylation education and one on one client consultations.  She is author of the forthcoming book, “Thriving with MTHFR: A guide for the everyday mutant!” , dubbed the “Methyl Queen” by colleagues and winner of the 2014 NANP Impact Award based on her research & education on MTHFR & Methylation.  She trains and consults MDs, NDs, L.ACs, DOs Nutritionists and the general public throughout the world on the basics of MTHFR & Methylation. You can find her as a guest speaker on summits, interviews and webinars along with teaching seminars with Xymogen and Spectracell, among others.  has completed hundreds of hours of additional research and education on these pathways.  Coleen suffered from a brain injury, plus several degenerative and autoimmune diseases and helped heal herself after finding out about her MTHFR status.  Her passion is to educate and help support others along their journey towards health with empathy and understanding.


Praise for Coleen’s Educational Trainings:

Unknown“Coleen truly is the “methyl queen”!  With her MTHFR and Methylation workshops she is able to take this complex subject and make it totally understandable.  And she does this with much passion and pizazz! Every encounter with Coleen has been superb… from our first meeting at the NANP/National Association of Nutrition Professionals conference, to me interviewing her on MTHFR on The Anxiety Summit, to me offering her MTHFR training to my community (both practitioners and the layperson).  I really do appreciate how she keeps up to date with the current research and continues to upgrade her knowledge and training programs in this ever-changing and vital aspect of finding optimal health.” ~ Trudy Scott, Nutritionist, author The AntiAnxiety Food Solution, host The Anxiety Summit

“Coleen has spent countless hours mastering the complex methylation pathways that are so critical for our health. She is able to break this information down into a form that is much more approachable, but – equally importantly – she is able to do it in a way that avoids oversimplification. Other methylation seminars and resources that I’ve come across attempt to make the complex material approachable, but they usually either miss the mark, or end up sacrificing too much scientific and clinical accuracy. Coleen, on the other hand, has managed the difficult task of maintaining accuracy while still making the material very understandable. I highly recommend her training program!” ~ Tom Fabian, PhD, CNTP, Peak Functional Health

Clean03“It is with the utmost enthusiasm and confidence that I recommend Coleen Walsh.  Coleen is armed with a wealth of knowledge on MTFHR and methylation.  She spends countless hours sifting through the latest research and is then able to formulate a personalized approach to meet each individual’s health needs.  As a fellow nutrition professional, Coleen is my “go to” methylation expert, which allows me to fully understand my client’s methylation SNPs without having to become a MTHFR specialist.” ~ Diana Walley, Boulder, CO, MNT @ Every Bite Counts Nutrition (Family wellness with a focus on digestion and detoxification)

Screen Shot 2015-01-16 at 7.03.37 PM“Coleen has studied MTHFR and associated mutations so thoroughly that she can so effortlessly explain the complicated biochemical pathways… She has done an amazing job with spreading awareness and understanding of this important information to practitioners and lay people alike. We, and I, are grateful for her efforts.” ~ Dr. Francesca Quinn, CMT, N.D., Vitality Natural Medicine

“Coleen’s webinar… was everything I needed to get a baseline grasp of this complicated and prevalent genetic problem. Because of her engaging teaching style and thorough presentation, I feel well equipped to help my clients address their methylation issues through nutrition and lifestyle changes. I strongly recommend this seminar for every practitioner who wants to better the lives of their patients and clients.” ~ Aimee McNew, MNT, McNew Nutrition

“I just finished the training today.  I’m so glad I made the purchase.  I feel like I now have a solid base of understanding to be able to help my clients. You’ve taken an immensely complex subject and made it understandable.  That is no small feat and demonstrates your depth of understanding.  Thank-you so much for the course!” ~ Peter W, NTP, CGP

Screen Shot 2015-01-16 at 7.04.01 PMI am very grateful for Coleen Walsh’s MTHFR presentation. Much of this was new information that cleared up a lot of confusion. Ms. Walsh has created a well organized and thorough presentation on the subject with the best motivation, her own health quest. I feel much more confident about discerning which patients need testing or intervention and which patients to dose carefully.” ~ Dr. Scott Vander Wall, D.C., PC, Heartwood Soft Tissue Balancing

“I want to tell you how much I appreciate your methylation webinar. I got my 23 and me report and the methylation part was a little too colorful for my liking, lol! Without the webinar and printout of the slides, I wouldn’t have a clue where to begin or what any of it means. I am so grateful you were willing to share your many hours of hard work. ~ Peggy G., Loveland, CO, NTI – Nutrition Student

Bravo Coleen! MTHFR related issues are complex to understand. Coleen’s enthusiasm lights up the room where she shares her personal experience and research knowledge – to help us comprehend and understand how the biochemistry of methylation plays a role in chronic disease – and protocols to help you manage and/or reverse the health challenges.” ~ Debbie Allen, MNT, CNHP Denver Nutrition, LLC

“Great, in-depth presentation, with repetitions to make the information stick. The presentation gives a basic understanding for a practitioner to use in practice and gave me the motivation to study the topic further.” ~ Nadia, CNTP, MNT candidate

“Hi! I just want to say that this webinar was extremely informative. As a visual learner, the presentation was outstanding. Coleen took a very complicated topic and explained it with such ease. I highly recommend this webinar to everyone because it really opens your mind to MTHFR and its role in our body. This was one of the best webinars that I have taken. I highly, highly recommend it!” Thank you for offering it! Keep up the great work of sharing information that can save lives! “~ Mary Anne M.

“Let me congratulate you on an extremely well done MTHFR seminar on Saturday!  You did an excellent job of thoroughly explaining it in such a way for us to understand and take away a basic knowledge to use.” ~ Denys, CNTP, Denver, CO

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Will I Be Able To Take And Treat MTHFR Clients/Patients After Viewing/Attending This Seminar?

No, this is just the beginning to better understand these pathways, so you will then have the tools to continue your education and research deeper.  Think of this as a 101 and 201 course to get you caught up on the basics to then go on to deeper research or to understand how to better support your client/patient with diet and other lifestyle methods.  These pathways are very complicated and Coleen recognizes that she still does not know everything. It is a constantly evolving path of understanding.  It took Coleen hundreds and hundreds of hours to get where she is and she created this course to give you a boost up so you do not have to do all the basic groundwork.

Will You Be Giving Protocols For Supplementation?

No, but you will learn why it is important not to think so simply when dealing with clients/patients with these SNPs and things to avoid along the way of working with them.  Everyone is bio-individual and with these SNPs most individuals will not do well on just a “typical protocol” – they can actually get worse.  We will discuss how and why different nutrients work for different people.

How do I get NANP & NTA CEUs?

Once you complete either the live event or view the online recordings, please contact the office and we will send you the quiz. Return it to our office. We will grade it and if you pass we will proceed from there to get you your 5 CEUs.

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Why Should I Take This Again If I already did The 5 hour event or webinar before?

If you  attended the original live event on 1/2014 or bought and watched the videos online, you know how valuable the information is.  This event, although a similar format, is revised, updated with new motion graphics and research.  The first seminar was done because of the interest from students and alum of the Nutrition Therapy Institute. The interest has grown beyond that community and, in recognizing that and fielding questions about MTHFR and Methylation wherever she goes, Coleen has researched and learned so much more to share with a broader audience this year. *contact us for a discount, available for previous attendees!

Along with winning the 2014 NANP Impact Award based on her research & education for nutritionists on MTHFR & Methylation, she has:

  • Completed hundreds of hours of additional research and education on these pathways in the past year. Included in this research is both Dr. Lynch’s First & Second Methylation Doctor Training plus several additional hours of educational presentations for practitioners, the Methylation Summit in Chicago, the Denver Summit, as well as over 200 continuing education CEU’s including completing her Functional Medicine Certificate with Dr. Brandon Lundell.
  • Gained more clinical experience dealing with these SNPs with numerous clients.
  • Upped her teaching game and has more than 80 additional hours of teaching under her belt in 2014.

The new information includes:

  • Updated information and research
  • More information on Methylation SNPs
  • How to begin detox protocols with sensitive clients
  • More information on genetic testing, analysis and labs
  • Research tips on how to continue learning beyond this seminar
  • New motion graphics for better explanation of the complexity of the material
  • Delve deeper into supporting clients with diet and other lifestyle methods
  • Certification of training completion

* If you would like to upgrade to the new version and have completed the 2014 training, please contact the office for a discount code.