What is MTHFR? What do I do now?

Hi, my name is Coleen and I am homozygous for the c677t MTHFR genetic mutation (SNP), plus I am homozygous for another 17 SNPs in the Methylation cycle.  If you read my story, you already know that I was very sick and depressed for a number of years and conventional medicine did not help me.  In fact, it made things worse – the shots and pills, were just not made for my genetics.  I have been studying MTHFR and Methylation for years and I was confused for a long time, even with my nutrition and biochemistry background.  I found out that I was not alone!   Most of the in-depth information about MTHFR is highly scientific and most doctors did not understand these pathways either.  When I went to Dr. Ben Lynches seminars, I found that most people attending were in the beginning stages of understanding and were overwhelmed with all of his amazing information.  I saw the need with healthcare practitioners, specifically with my nutrition colleagues, to break this information down, so that more of them could understand the basic biochemistry of these methylation pathways.   I created one hour seminars and presented them to healthcare practitioners of various modalities, but that did not fulfill the need.   Since the interest was huge,  I created a 5 hour seminar and this 5 hour webinar based on the live presentation.

Methylation cycle abnormalities can predispose you to disease. The MTHFR SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) is at a key position in the methylation cycle and if not working properly, can effect the whole pathway, creating symptoms and disease. The good news is that nutritional protocols and lifestyle modifications can help tremendously! I am living proof and I would like to help you on your health journey.  

wheels HNHN Genetically Loaded Gun

The first step is to grab my FREE MTHFR QuickStart Guide! (Opt-in by adding your name and email on the upper right hand side of this page)

Read it and take a deep breath, then relax.  There is hope!  I know from personal and clinical experience that here are so many things you can do to change your genetic destiny!    


HN MTHFR Practitioner Training                HN MTHFR Lay Person

 Confused about MTHFR?  Do you want to learn more?

Then these training are right for you!

I have a new set of webinars and an upcoming Book to break down the information even more for you (the everyday mutant – like me!).  My motion graphics and step by step information will give the “everyday mutant” an understanding of these pathways and what is happening in your body.  Even if you don’t have a scientific background!

“Thriving with MTHFR: The Science A guide for the everyday mutant!” recordings take the time to break down the biochemistry of these pathways, epigenetics and holistic protocols to give you a solid understanding of the subject. These were created for the general public and for people who suffer with MTHFR and other Methylation SNPs.  This is for non-practitioners who do not have a science background, but would like to understand the basic information about these complicated pathways!

My practitioner training, Understanding MTHFR & Methylation Biochemical Pathways. The trainings have rave reviews from around the world!  It has helped practitioners get a solid understanding about MTHFR and Methylation to help treat their clients.


Looking for a practitioner?  

Learn about My Genetic Interpretation & Assessment Package!

harvesting nutrition Click here to learn moreMethylation Gears HN


“My husband’s health issues were perplexing and not well addressed by medical doctors. Genetic testing gave us more pieces of the puzzle but we had no idea how to act on the information. After a bad experience with a different healthcare provider who claimed to be knowledgeable about MTHFR, we were lucky to find ColeenWe were impressed with her knowledge of MTHFR and its complex interactions with the many other genetic variations in the methylation and detoxification pathways. After a thorough history and review of lab work, Coleen devised an individualized plan that included diet, lifestyle, and supplements to bypass the defects and influence gene expression. Thanks to Coleen, my husband’s health is improving and we finally have hope that we have control over the situation.” ~ A. Volin, Denver, CO

“One month ago, both my husband and myself visited Coleen for an nutrition & MTHFR consultation.  She has given us numerous practical suggestions to work with which we have implemented with great success.  Coleen is  passionate, very knowledgeable and insightful!  We highly recommend seeing her for support! ~ Tony and Suzanne B

Screen Shot 2015-01-16 at 7.03.37 PM“Coleen has studied MTHFR and associated mutations so thoroughly that she can so effortlessly explain the complicated biochemical pathways… She has done an amazing job with spreading awareness and understanding of this important information to practitioners and lay people alike. We, and I, are grateful for her efforts.” ~ Dr. Francesca Quinn, CMT, N.D., Vitality Natural Medicine

“Coleen’s webinar… was everything I needed to get a baseline grasp of this complicated and prevalent genetic problem. Because of her engaging teaching style and thorough presentation, I feel well equipped to help my clients address their methylation issues through nutrition and lifestyle changes. I strongly recommend this seminar for every practitioner who wants to better the lives of their patients and clients.” ~ Aimee McNew, MNT, McNew Nutrition

Screen Shot 2015-01-16 at 7.04.01 PMI am very grateful for Coleen Walsh’s MTHFR presentation. Much of this was new information that cleared up a lot of confusion. Ms. Walsh has created a well organized and thorough presentation on the subject with the best motivation, her own health quest. I feel much more confident about discerning which patients need testing or intervention and which patients to dose carefully.” ~ Dr. Scott Vander Wall, D.C., PC, Heartwood Soft Tissue Balancing

“Coleen distills a lot of complicated information into an understandable and straightforward presentation. I highly recommend her programs for those interested in diving into the world of methylation and looking to understand MTHFR better. ~ J, CO

“I recently purchased and listened to Coleen Walsh’s program called Thriving with MTHFR: The Science – Education for the Everyday Mutant.  My journey began with MTHFR when I took my youngest daughter to a functional medicine trained naturopath.  I had never even heard of MTHFR.  After finding out that she carried this mutation, I was very drawn to digging deeper.  I am a certified health coach and I’m just beginning to find my path; and this seemed to be drawing me here.  Coleen’s program was amazing!  From the moment she began breaking down what MTHFR even is; to the diagrams, and her particular way she described the methylation cycle.  I felt like I finally understood how MTHFR and our SNP’s might be expressed.  I would recommend this program to anyone who would like to dig deeper.  She does an excellent job for us “everyday mutants.”  – Amy R, Minnesota

“Coleen Walsh, is an exceptional Nutritional Therapist.  I attended a recent webinar on Methylation and the MTHFR enzyme –  and it was tremendous.  It captured what I needed to learn and presented it in a way that was clear and easy to understand as a lay person.  As a result, I am better able to make life health decisions because of this information that was presented Anyone considering MTHFR health care should view this webinar.   It will enable you to better understand the complexities in a functional way.  The webinar manages to cast the subject in a way that both a person with no prior exposure can grasp the message, and also reach an audience of health practitioners who may be thinking about improving their practice in this direction.  The webinar was well worth the investment in both time and money.  I highly recommend it.”    – John in Denver

Take Home HN


“Coleen truly is the “methyl queen”!  With her MTHFR and Methylation workshops she is able to take this complex subject and make it totally understandable.  And she does this with much passion and pizazz!    Every encounter with Coleen has been superb… from our first meeting at the NANP/National Association of Nutrition Professionals conference, to me interviewing her on MTHFR on The Anxiety Summit, to me offering her MTHFR training to my community (both practitioners and the layperson).  I really do appreciate how she keeps up to date with the current research and continues to upgrade her knowledge and training programs in this ever-changing and vital aspect of finding optimal health.”    Trudy Scott, Nutritionist, author The AntiAnxiety Food Solution, host The Anxiety Summit

I want to tell you how much I appreciate your methylation webinar. I got my 23 and me report and the methylation part was a little too colorful for my liking, lol! Without the webinar and printout of the slides, I wouldn’t have a clue where to begin or what any of it means. I am so grateful you were willing to share your many hours of hard work.  Peggy G., Loveland, CO, NTI – Nutrition Student

Bravo Coleen! MTHFR related issues are complex to understand. Coleen’s enthusiasm lights up the room where she shares her personal experience and research knowledge – to help us comprehend and understand how the biochemistry of methylation plays a role in chronic disease – and protocols to help you manage and/or reverse the health challenges.” ~ Debbie Allen, MNT, CNHP Denver Nutrition, LLC

“Let me congratulate you on an extremely well done MTHFR seminar on Saturday!  You did an excellent job of thoroughly explaining it in such a way for us to understand and take away a basic knowledge to use.” ~ Denys, CNTP, Denver, CO

Disclaimer: The information on this website and webinar is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. This information is provided to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not meant to replace the advice of your primary physician. Choosing a holistic approach to nutrition means choosing personal responsibility for your health care. Harvesting Nutrition and/or Coleen Walsh is not liable or responsible for any harm, damage or illness arising from the use of the information contained herein.